In a world where cultural narratives are often overlooked, a brand reimagines indigenous iconography to celebrate, uplift, and inspire

Our mission:

is to honor and uplift the cultural heritage of indigenous communities in the Americas. Through our brand, we aim to promote awareness, foster understanding, and inspire positive change while preserving and revitalizing indigenous traditions.

“¡Volveré y seré millones!

Tupac Amaru II

Spirit of revolution

“I will return, and I will be millions,” Dancing Sickness seeks to infuse itself into the fabric of culture. As a clothing brand, we aspire to create a movement that resonates with millions, empowering individuals to reclaim their heritage, celebrate diversity, and challenge the status quo. By blending pre and post-colonial iconography within a modern context, we aim to leave an indelible mark on the cultural landscape. Dancing Sickness strives to be a catalyst for change, sparking conversations, inspiring pride, and contributing to a world where the richness of indigenous cultures is recognized, embraced, and celebrated by millions.

more coming soon…

resist the status quo!